The Great Southern Tomato Sandwich

One of the most delicious blessings of summer is the sun-ripened tomato. I know…I know. What is this? My 4th garden tomato blog? I can’t help it! There’s no getting around it! I love em! We (gardeners) race to be the first to have a ripe, juicy harvest and willingly share with friends and neighbors. The deadline for my first ripe tomato of the season is July 4th, in which I have yet to pull off. The anticipation has now worn off and the Sunday of Summer, the month of August will bring your tomato inventory to a head. So don’t be stingy! A paper bag or basket with a few homegrown tomatoes, a few different kinds of peppers, along with a cucumber or two, is a common and much-welcomed gift during these summer months.

Ask any native southerner what is their favorite way to eat tomatoes, and I bet they’ll say “tomato sandwich.” I take my tomato sandwiches very seriously. There is only one way to make them and you only need three ingredients. (and salt & pepper)

White bread.
Sliced garden tomatoes.

Assemble and eat.

Did you really need instructions?

For this particular sandwich I used a variety of Roma tomatoes and a unique Green Zebra Tomato. Although green, they are ripe and have a sweet and tangy flavor.

For this particular sandwich I used a variety of Roma tomatoes and a unique Green Zebra Tomato. Although green, they are ripe and have a sweet and tangy flavor.

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